TechItalia:LabTechItalia is the largest Italian tech ecosystem inside the largest innovation European cluster to help the «made in Italy» in growing and developing in UK.

It is a community of 5,000 professionals working in tech in London and their goal is to support Italian companies interested in expanding, launching internationally and raising investment in the UK.

Pigro in London for TechItalia:Lab programme

On March 2022, Pigro will be in London to take part in the startup programme. It is a 4-week accelerator program organized by TechItalia:Lab to support Italian startups to grow their business in the UK market.

The programme includes:1-to-1 mentoring sessions with more than 180 highly-selected London based mentors, advocates & experts specifically matched to the needs of the companies; masterclasses and pitch practices on topics of common interest (the London Tech Scene, Marketing & Product Development, Accounting & Legal, Customer Relations & Team Management, Fundraising, Business Planning & Pitching); demo day and events during which entrepreneurs will have the chance to pitch in front of a panel of active investors (angels, syndicates, crowdfunding platforms, VCs), mentors, as well as corporate partners;introductions to relevant contacts within the wide Techitalia community which comprises 3000+ members, in order to foster partnerships and business development opportunities; companies will be daily supported by a team of experienced staff.For more information about the programme: