Thanks to the Italian Trade Agency and ART-ER in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada, Pigro has been selected to participate among the Italian SMEs and startups at the Canada-Italy Business Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Montreal.

The Canada-Italy AI Forum 2022

The 4th edition of the global conference will take place in Montreal from 21 to 23 November. The main focus will be on cybersecurity, which appears to be a priority theme for the protection and safeguarding not only of so-called critical infrastructures, space and defense but also of businesses, industry and consumers. Other topics will be Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, applied to aerospace, mobility, health and life sciences, defense, manufacturing and industry 4.0, energy, logistics, services to public administration, finance, insurance, environments, and green economy. The forum will bring together Canadian and Italian government bodies, technological clusters, universities, large companies, SMEs and technological start-ups, along with expert speakers and panellists to discuss and exchange experiences to define structured paths of collaboration and business development. All the protagonists will access opportunities for formation and connection with an entire innovation ecosystem, thanks to both the plenary sessions and B2B matchmaking meetings.

Pigro in Montreal with ICE-ITA

Pigro, which offers knowledge management solutions to large enterprises, is participating in the AI Forum in collaboration with ITA – Italian Trade Agency.The technology behind Pigro leverage the potential of Artificial Intelligence to retrieve clear-cut answers directly from the companies’ knowledge bases, in order to facilitate and speed up the work of help desk and customer service divisions, as well as sales, marketing and HR departments.Pigro already has big enterprise customers such as Sky Italy, MSC, BNP Paribas, ACI, and is looking to further develop its market and expand its presence internationally.

For more information about the event: